1. Where do insects live? 2. What do the insects eat? 3. How many flowers do the bees visit? 4. How long do the butterflies live? 5. What are the fastest insects?
1. The fastest insects are dragonflies
2. Insects live everywhere
3. Insects eat plants, other insects or nectar from flowers
4. Bees visit two thousand flowers each day
5. Some butterflies live for a year, others live only for a week
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1. on the surface of the earth, in the air, in the soil, in the water.
2. The nature of insect nutrition.
The main ones are: phytophages (feed only on plant foods), zoophages or carnivores (feed only on animal food), saprophages (feed on decaying plant matter), necrophages (feed on animal carcasses) and coprophages (feed on manure).
3. On average, a worker bee visits about 7,000 flowers per day. One bee swarm collects about 50 kg of pollen per season. There are about 100,000 pollen particles in one bee comb. In one flight from the hive, a honey bee flies about a thousand flowers.
4. 12 months
On average, butterflies live only about three weeks. But there are record holders among them: for example, Monarchs and Schisandra. Their life span is 9 to 12 months. There are Moth Moths and Silkworms, whose bright life lasts only a few days.
5. jumping beetles