Match the questions to the answers
Not many. Four pineapples.
Not many. Two pairs of shoes.
41 symphonies.
Quite a lot. About 20 teachers.
A lot . Thirty books.
A lot . If I'm not mistaken,10 hours
Not much . 1 spoonful of sugar.
Quite a lot. Tomorrow I have six lessons.
Not much. One kilo.
1 spoonful of sugar. - How much sugar do I need for this recipe?
Not many. Two pairs of shoes. - How many pairs of shoes did you buy?
Not much. One kilo. - How much cheese would you like to buy?
A lot. Thirty books. - How many books do you have in your library?
Not many. Four pineapples. - How many pineapples are left in the fridge?
Quite a lot. Tomorrow I have six lessons. - How many lessons do you have tomorrow?
Not much. If I'm not mistaken, 10 hours. - How much time do we have before the train arrives?
Quite a lot. About 20 teachers. - How many teachers are there in your school?
41 symphonies. - How many symphonies did Mozart compose?
Not many. Two pairs of shoes. - Сколько пар обуви ты купил?
Not much. One kilo. - Сколько ты хотел бы купить сыра?
A lot. Thirty books. - Сколько книг у тебя в библиотеке?
Not many. Four pineapples. - Сколько ананасов осталось в холодильнике?
Quite a lot. Tomorrow I have six lessons. - Сколько у тебя завтра уроков?
Not much. If I'm not mistaken, 10 hours. - Сколько времени у нас есть до прибытия поезда?
Quite a lot. About 20 teachers. - Сколько учителей в вашей школе?
41 symphonies. - Сколько симфоний написал Моцарт?
1 spoonful of sugar. - Сколько сахара мне нужно для этого рецепта?