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1. How many generator sets does the engine
room contain?
2. How much electrical energy can the
generator sets provide?
3. What does a diesel generator set consist
4. What are the thrusters like?
5. How should additional ventilation be
made available in the engine room if individuals are present and sufficient ventilation is not normally provided?
6. What airflow ventilation does the engine
space require if personnel are not normally present?
7. What additional airflow ventilation does
ventilation usually require?
8. What is the serious hazard that causes a
fire in the engine room?
9. In what marine conditions do engineers sometimes work?
1. The number of generator sets in the engine room depends on the size and capacity of the vessel.
2. The amount of electrical energy provided by generator sets depends on their size and capacity.
3. A diesel generator set consists of an engine, alternator, fuel system, exhaust system, and control panel.
4. Thrusters are devices used to provide
propulsion or maneuverability to a vessel and can be electric or hydraulic.
5. Additional ventilation should be made available through portable or fixed ventilation systems if individuals are present in the engine room and sufficient ventilation is not normally provided.
6. The engine space usually requires additional natural or mechanical
ventilation if personnel are not normally present to ensure the safe operation of: the machinery.
7. Ventilation usually requires additional airflow through natural or mechanical
ventilation to maintain safe levels of air quality and temperature in the engine room.
8. A serious hazard in the engine room is the Ignition of flammable substances, such as
fuel or oil, which can lead to a fire and endanger personnel and the vessel.
9. Marine engineers sometimes work in extreme conditions, such as in rough seas or in remote areas, and are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of a vessel's machinery and systems.