Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vkiricenko906

Написати про улюбленого письменника на англійській мові

(в мене нема улюбленого письменника)​


Автор ответа: alissosisstarikova


Britain is home to many popular writers. One of them, William Shakespeare, is one of my favourite British writers.

William Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.

While still a teenager of nineteen, he married Anne Hathaway, a farmer's daughter some years older than himself. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London where he began to act and to write plays. And after that he became a famous poet and actor.

Shakespeare's sonnets and plays, such as "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", etc., have become so popular that they are studied in schools in almost all countries. The fact is that Shakespeare's works are still relevant today.

That's why William Shakespeare is a beloved British poet not only for me, but for most people in general.


Перевод на украинский:

Британія є батьківщиною багатьох популярних письменників. Один з них, Вільям Шекспір, є одним з моїх улюблених британських письменників.

Вільям Шекспір народився і виріс в Стратфорді-на-Ейвоні, Уоркшир.

Ще підлітком дев'ятнадцяти років він одружився на Ганні Хетуей, дочці фермера, яка була на кілька років старша за нього самого. 1587 року Шекспір відправився на роботу в Лондон, де почав грати і писати п'єси. І після цього він став відомим поетом і актором.

Сонети і п'єси Шекспіра, такі як «Ромео і Джульєтта», «Гамлет» і т. д., стали настільки популярними, що їх вивчають у школах майже у всіх країнах. Справа в тому, що твори Шекспіра актуальні і на сьогоднішній день.

Ось чому Вільям Шекспір — улюблений британський поет не тільки для мене, а й для більшості людей в Ціло

Автор ответа: Morylovs


My favorite writer is Ernest Hemingway, an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. Hemingway is known for his concise and straightforward writing style, as well as his depictions of war, love, and loss.

One of my favorite novels by Hemingway is "The Old Man and the Sea," which tells the story of an aging fisherman named Santiago who embarks on a perilous journey to catch a giant marlin. Through Santiago's struggles, Hemingway explores themes of courage, determination, and the human condition.

Another work that I admire by Hemingway is "A Farewell to Arms," a novel set during World War I that follows the love affair between an American ambulance driver and a British nurse. The novel captures the chaos and brutality of war while also exploring the complexities of human relationships.

Aside from his fiction, I also enjoy Hemingway's nonfiction writing, particularly his journalistic reporting on the Spanish Civil War and his memoir "A Moveable Feast," which provides a glimpse into the author's life in 1920s Paris.

Overall, Hemingway's writing resonates with me because of his ability to convey complex emotions and ideas through simple, powerful prose. His work has had a profound impact on modern literature, and I continue to be inspired by his writing to this day.

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