Опис картини за темою "концерт" перша картина це концерт в театрі
друга концерт в полі
написати про два концерти по фото на английском
Ответ: відповідь в пояснені
пояснення: 1. On the first picture we can see an awsome theater. There are so many people sitting an watching the concert. Maybe it will be some opera, or maybe it is just some drama show. There are green seats on thr balcony, it is like VIP zone for VIP clients, other pepople should stay all the time, or maybe there are some seats, but I can not see them. There is the beatiful, big scene, and on this scene are some people. It should be actors, who playes this show. Also we can see a blue curtain behind them.
2. On the picture nuber 2 I can see some beach-party-concert. There are so many people, and judging by their face they are really enjoy their time. It must be summer, because picture very sunny. Maybe there are waiting for the super star, so they need to sit there, but maybe it some new star, and tickets for this concert were not so expensive. Also it can be some Festival, but I can only see that it is really interesting and funny for this people.
Фотографії було трошки погано бачити, тому написала про те, що там баила. Гарного дня!