Find mistakes and correct them

1. The cake was baked by my sister.
2. The car was stolen from the parking lot.
3. The book was written by the famous author.
4. The meal has been prepared by the chef.
5. The house was built by the contractor.
6. The artwork was painted by the artist.
7. The packages were delivered by the postman.
8. The movie was directed by the famous filmmaker.
9. The letter was typed by the secretary.
10. The project will be completed by the team.
1. The cake was baked by my sister.
2. The car was stolen from the parking lot.
3. The book was written by the famous author.
4. The meal was prepared by the chef.
5. The house was built by the contractor.
6. The artwork was painted by the artist.
7. The packages were delivered by the postman.
8. The movie was directed by the famous filmmaker.
9. The letter was typed by the secretary.
10. The project was completed by the team.
Розберемо кожне речення. Однак перед цим необхідно роз'яснити деякі моменти.
- Як утворюється Passive Voice у Past Simple? Якщо коротко, то треба взяти дієслово to be (was/were) + 3 форма дієслова, якщо воно неправильне. Більше можна подивтися на табличці.
- by/with. Прийменник by використовується в пасивному стані з дійовою особою. Наприклад: The flowers were delivered by a postman. - Квіти приніс листоноша. The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage - На штат Флорида обрушився ураган, який завдав серйозної шкоди.
- Якщо в пасивному стані акцент стоїть на предметі, інструменті, матеріалі або інгредієнті, за допомогою якого здійснювалася дія, використовується прийменник with:The spider was killed by the boy with a stone. - Хлопець убив павука каменем.The door was opened with a crowbar. - Двері відчинили ломом.
- The cake were baked by my sister. cake - однина, тому замість were повинно бути was
- The car stolen from the parking lot. - само по собі речення написане в Passive Voice, однак неправильно складене. Щоб утворити Passive Voice, треба додати was до дієслова stolen.
- The book was write by the famous author. - бачимо, що речення написано в пасиві, однак сам пасив неправильно утворений. Щоб його утворити, write треба замінити на written.
- The meal was been prepared by the chef. конструкції was been prepared не існує в англійській мові. Це або Past Perfect Passive (had been prepared), або Past Simple Passive (was prepared). Я оберу Past Simple Passive тому що усі реченні подані саме в цьому часі. Приберемо been і отримаємо: The meal was prepared by the chef.
- The house was build by the contractor. Бачимо пасив, який неправильно утворений, адже 3 форма дієслова to build - built. Виправимо і отримаємо: The house was built by the contractor.
- The artwork was painted with the artist. Художник у даному реченні - дійова особа, тому варто замінити with на by.
- The packages was delivered by the postman. packages - множина, тому треба замінити was на were.
- The movie was directed on the famous filmmaker. режисер - дійова особа, треба замінити on на by.
- The letter typed by the secretary. Речення написано в пасиві, але складено неправильно. Щоб виправити його, вставимо was.
- The project becompleted by the team. becompleted - це нісенитниця. Виправимо be на was, щоб правильно утворити Passive Voice: The project was completed by the team