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In ancient times, Kazakh nomads lived a tough lifestyle, travelling across the steppes, sleeping in camel wool tents known as yurts. With no calendar to track time, the Kazakhs waited for a sign from nature, like the sun shining through the yurt, to signal the end of winter. Today, the tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring continues through the Nauryz celebration, beginning on the spring equinox in March. The Kazakhs prepare for Nauryz by cleaning their houses and planting trees and flowers. Legend has it that a holy man named Kadyr-Ata wanders during Nauryz, blessing only clean homes with good people. The celebration includes yurt displays, theatrical performances, music concerts, horse riding demonstrations, and serving a special dish called Nauryz-kozhe. The dish is made with seven ingredients, representing the seven days of the week or seven virtues of life. Generosity is emphasized during Nauryz, as there is a custom to invite seven guests and visit seven houses. The more kindness, forgiveness, and food offered, the better fortune and success one will have in the coming year. Nauryz is a significant celebration in the Kazakh calendar that brings the nation together to honor its history, culture, and traditions. Even though Kazakhstan is no longer a nomadic society, the importance of Nauryz for the ancestors on the steppe will never be forgotten.
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