Предмет: Английский язык, автор: maks9329

Complete the dialogue between Tim and May by adding the correct question tags.

Tim: You went to Angela's party last night,


May: You weren't there,


Tim: No, I can't stand her dinner parties. They're such a bore,

? She can't cook

at all,


And the wine she serves is always plonk,


To top it all, she always invites such boring people,


May: I think you're being very unfair. Her guests are not all boring. She always invites me and I'm an

interesting person,


Tim: I couldn't go anyway. I had to help my sister move. I couldn't let her do it all by



And it was a good excuse to get out of going to the party,


May: You really are awful,

? I haven't noticed that you are such a hotshot

cook yourself. You remember the last meal you cooked for me,


It was awful,

? You didn't use enough salt,

? And the vegetables were overcooked,


Tim: I had an off day. It doesn't happen often,

? I have just made a delicious

pasta dish. Taste some and tell me what you think,


May: Mm, yummy! But then anyone can make pasta,


Tim: That's not true. It takes great skill to make home-made pasta.

You know that,

? And the sauce wasn't out of tin either. You realised that,

? You should invite me over for dinner,

? Then we'll see who's

the better cook,


May: Maybe I'll do that. But I've got to run. I have loads of shopping to do. See you.

Tim: Bye.



Автор ответа: arizonkanasa


Tim: You went to Angela's party last night, didn't you?

May: You weren't there, were you?

Tim: No, I can't stand her dinner parties. They're such a bore, aren't they? She can't cook

at all, can she?

And the wine she serves is always plonk, isn't it?

To top it all, she always invites such boring people, doesn't she?

May: I think you're being very unfair. Her guests are not all boring. She always invites me and I'm an

interesting person, aren't I?

Tim: I couldn't go anyway. I had to help my sister move. I couldn't let her do it all by

herself, could I?

And it was a good excuse to get out of going to the party, wasn't it?

May: You really are awful, aren't you? I haven't noticed that you are such a hotshot

cook yourself. You remember the last meal you cooked for me, don't you?

It was awful, wasn't it? You didn't use enough salt, did you? And the vegetables were overcooked,

weren't they?

Tim: I had an off day. It doesn't happen often, does it? I have just made a delicious

pasta dish. Taste some and tell me what you think, would you?

May: Mm, yummy! But then anyone can make pasta, can't they?

Tim: That's not true. It takes great skill to make home-made pasta.

You know that, don't you? And the sauce wasn't out of tin either. You realised that,

didn't you? You should invite me over for dinner, shouldn't you? Then we'll see who's

the better cook, won't we?

May: Maybe I'll do that. But I've got to run. I have loads of shopping to do. See you.

Tim: Bye.

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