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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is a work from a series of books by the world famous writer Joan Rowling. You may wonder why I chose (a) her in particular, because she is neither the first nor the last. But I found this story the most interesting. In my opinion, this part is not only permeated with charms, but also has the features of a detective.
This time, the goal of the adventure of Harry Potter and his friends is to find a secret room and the culprit of attacks on students. The basis of this is the legend that there was once a boy who studied at Hogwarts in the Slytherin faculty, who believed that this school should be available only to pureblood magicians.
He was expelled for this, but there are rumors that he created a secret room in the school building in which a terrible monster lives. This legend turns out to be true, and as usual, Harry Potter is at the center of the unraveling of the strange event. With the help of Hermione's intelligence, Ron's support and Albus Dumbledore's tips, Harry Potter defeats the basilisk - a huge poisonous snake that can kill with a look.
The most interesting thing in this book is the search for the secret room and the reasons for the development of strange events in Hogwarts. While reading, I tried to guess and get to the truth faster than the characters. The appearance of new victims inflames the atmosphere, and the fight with the basilisk is the climax, after which everything becomes clear