Предмет: Литература, автор: ivanodessa2009

Створити письмово "Банк добрих порад Симоні",щоб вона не почувалася самотньою.


Автор ответа: dashapinkevich

Ответ:  Тримай домашнє завдання



popekaanuta2: Чел мега хАрош
d41440419: а можеш пожалуйста в печатном тексте написать
d41440419: я просто половину не понимаю
d41440419: что написано
popekaanuta2: 1. Займатися улюбленими справами
popekaanuta2: 2. Допомагати людям які цього потребують. 3. Привести до порядку свої особисті речі. 4. Забути про прикрощі що були в минулому. 5. Не спілкуватись з людьми, які постійно негативну точку зору. Вот как то так в некоторых строчках я убирала слова что бы уместно звучало ))
popekaanuta2: Там где 5. Які постійно мають негативну... Пропустила
standofer114: спс
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Read the story and match. The Audition KEYBOARD2 Odeon Freddie was standing in a queue of teenagers outside the Odeon Cinema. The day before, he had seen a poster outside the cinema: Do you play the keyboard? Come to the Odeon Cinema for an audition with Stamps, and change your life for ever! Stamps was Freddie's favourite band. This was his big chance. Ar last, the doors opened. The five members of Stamps were on the stage. Thank you all for coming, said Ricky, the guitarist. Who's going to play first?" A girl of about nineteen went forward. She started playing the keyboard. 'She's good, thought Freddie. Finally, it was his turn. He felt very nervous, and he didn't play as well as he usually did. 1 Freddie had seen the poster, so 2 Freddie felt nervous, so 3 They didn't choose Freddie, but 4 Freddie listened to the girl, and 5 Stu was picked, and 6 Freddie decided to practise because 'Well, you were all great,' said Ricky at last. But we only need one player, so we've decided to pick... Stu!" A tall boy stood up and smiled. All the others started to leave. Hey, Freddie!" Freddie turned round and saw Ricky. Look, you're much younger than these other guys," he said, but we liked you. You'll be good one day. That evening, Freddie sat down at his keyboard and played. T'll practise and practise," he said to himself, and I'll be back. a) they liked him. b) he went to the cinema. c) he thought she was good. d) he didn't play very well. e) he wanted to succeed. f) the others left the cinema.​