Предмет: Литература, автор: katya22007721

Скласти сенкан про Ебнезера Дорсета з оповідання "Вождь червоношкірих"​


Автор ответа: Botinok1028


Жанр: оповідання

Головна думка  – виховання дитини справа дуже відповідальна і важка.

Тема: Двоє чоловіків викрадають дитину у впливову людину і вимагають викуп, але хлопчик виявляється не з кращих, йому подобається грати в індіанців і всіляко знущатися над своїми викрадачами

Ідея: Автор хоче показати, що якщо хтось планує якийсь злочин, то він повинен бути готовий до несподіваних поворотів, все може піти зовсім не так, як ти це плануєш, і велика ймовірність того, що ти дуже сильно поплатишся за свої справи, як ці грабіжники.


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Unit 4 Section 4.2
Прочитайте о главных праздниках Великобритании и России и расскажите, что вы узнали о них.
Main holidays in Great Britain.
The most important holiday in GB is Christmas. It is a celebrated on the 25 of December. It is a family holiday, that is why, the whole family gather at the holiday table, which certainly has turkey. Everybody gives each other presents and congratulate with the words: «Marry Christmas!" London in the Christmas holiday is fantastic. The Trafalgar Square is decorated with the largest and most beautiful Christmas Tree. There are a lot people are walking here, and a lot of tourists visit it every year. New Year in GB is not as popular as Christmas.
The next holiday I would like to tell you is Saint Valentine's day. It is celebrated on the 14th of February. It is the holiday of all beloved people, when they give presents to each other (flowers, toys, candies, balloons and special cards with poems and love words). The next holiday in GB is Halloween it is celebrated on the 31 of October. During this holiday people wear costumes, put pumpkin on the window and go from home to home and say: "Treat or Trick "
Russian festivals and traditions
In Russia the new year is the most popular holiday. The main characters are Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. People decorate their houses, give presents and listen the president`s speech. For New Year, kids decorate New Year’s trees.
Easter (Paskha) is the the main religious festival. Easter
celebrations start the night before Easter Sunday. People attend church service.
Russians paint boiled eggs in red, and give
them as presents. It is also traditional to cook an Easter cake (kulich).

There are also several national holidays celebrated in Russia. On 23rd of February is the Defender’s Day. It has become a kind of Men’s Day and women give men small gifts. Soon after that holiday comes a holiday for all women, March 8. There is an unofficial holiday very popular among all Russian. Russian people like Victory Day very much. On May 9 there are parades and ceremonies to honor those who died in World War II.
Расскажите какой праздник самый любимый в вашей семье.
As for me, my favourite public holiday is New Year’s Day and my family celebrates it, because it is the most beautiful holiday in Russia. We usually put a New Year tree at home and decorate it with tinsel and toys. Besides, New Year’s Day is a family holiday, and all the members of our family celebrate it together. On New Year’s Day all our family eats tasty dishes, drink champagne and have fireworks. We usually dance, sing songs and watch TV. If there is snow, we also go out to play snowballs.