Предмет: История, автор: sakhnoarina2011

Дати визначення: громадянин, акрополь,агора, демос.
какие даты вызначения скажите плс я не шорю за историю
дам 10 балов


Автор ответа: igorkozinec1106

Громадянин - житель країни, що має права на свободу, недоторканість її майна, та інші права громадянина

Акрополь - практично фортеця у давньогрецькому місті

Агора - центральна ринкова площа давньогрецького міста

Демос - грецькою "Народ", так називали вільних людей у давній Греції.

sakhnoarina2011: сепесе
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Выберите один ответ:
a. … structures to real property
b. … golf courses, harbors, power companies and things like that to our built environment
c. … a room or renovation of a bathroom
d. … not usually undertaken for-profit, but to service the public interest
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the Passive Voice:

They were interviewing her for the job.

She ________________ for the job.
Выберите один ответ:
a. was interviewed
b. was being interviewed
c. has been interviewed
d. will be interviewed
Choose the right variant according to the text:

The owners … to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
Выберите один ответ:
a. … undertake all measures …
b. … as in building construction …
c. … himself creates an overall plan …
d. … assemble a team to create an overall plan …
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the Passive Voice:

Tom is writing the letter.

The letter ________________ by Tom.
Выберите один ответ:
a. was being written
b. is being written
c. was written
d. has been written
Choose the right variant according to the text:

A lot of families nowadays are looking into …
Выберите один ответ:
a. … contracting to have their own golf courses.
b. … building their own flats.
c. … contracting to have their own homes built.
d. … or contracting to have them built.
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the Passive Voice:

Everyone understands English.

English ________________ by everyone.
Выберите один ответ:
a. is understood
b. was understood
c. is being understood
d. has been understood
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the Passive Voice:

The employees have brought up this issue.

This issue ________________ by the employees.
Выберите один ответ:
a. have been brought up
b. has been brought up
c. is brought up
d. was brought up
Agree or disagree with the statement according to the text:

An overall plan is created to ensure that the goals of the projects are met.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Yes, it is.
b. Yes, it does.
c. No, it doesn’t.
d. No, it isn’t.
Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the Passive Voice:

The professor told him not to talk in class.

He ________________ by the professor not to talk in class.
Выберите один ответ:
a. was told
b. was being told
c. has been told
d. were told
Translate the sentence:

… to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
Выберите один ответ:
a. … гарантировать, что цели проекта будут встречены.
b. … гарантировать, что цели проекта будут соответствовать друг другу.
c. … гарантировать, что цели проекта будут достигнуты.
d. … гарантировать соответствие целей проекта.
Translate the sentence:

… a home owners warranty must be obtained …
Выберите один ответ:
a. … поручительство владельцев дома должно быть получено …
b. … гарантия владельцев домов должна быть получена ...
c. … владельцы домов гарантируют, что должно быть получено …
d. … гарантия для владельцев домов должна быть получена …