Очень срочно даю всё что есть
У каждого предложения может быть несколько вариантов, поэтому перечисляю их через /:
Books about great people teach us to be hard-working/to be noble.
Books about famous travellers teach us to be brave and honest/to be kind and clever.
Books on history teach us to love our motherland/to be brave and honest.
Books about children teach us to be polite, to have good manners/to help old people and younger ones/to be a true friend/to understand other people.
Stories about birds and animals can teach us to understand the beauty of nature/to love nature and to take care of it/help animals and birds.
Fairy tales can teach us to be kind and clever/to understand what is right and what is wrong.
Fables can teach us to understand what is right and what is wrong/not to be lazy or naughty/not to boast.
Poems can teach us to be kind and clever/to understand what is right and what is wrong.