Помогите пожалуйста, мне очень нужно... ❤
Это английские вопросительные предложения, я отметила правильные варианты, а те, которые не отмечены, - неправильные. Пожалуйста, посмотрите на неправильные предложения и скажите, что не так (напишите правильный вариант)

64.3. How long have you been working on the project?
4. ...., could they?
65.3. Why did Greg buy a new computer yesterday?
5. Do you know if the delegation is arriving tonight or tomorrow?
66.1. ...., don't you?
3. ....., will you?
5. Must the students borrow these books from the library?
67. 1. Do you know if they arrived .... ?
2. ....., hasn't it?
3. ..... , hadn't they?
5. ....., don't they?
68. 1. ....., won't it?
3. Why did you take my car without permission?
69. 4. .... isn't it?
70. 1. Do you know the date when we have to hand in the essay?
2. Where can I find the head of the department?
3.They had no time to ...
4. ......or did he check himself?
71. 1. Who has to take a test today?
2. Can you guess why the explorers were surprised?