Предмет: Английский язык, автор: saadrasul1

a) Prepare an essay of 900 words (+/- 10%) that addresses the following points: b) Assignment Task c) Cross Cultural Communication Comparison d) Required: You are to choose one culture that is totally different from yours and e) compare with your own culture in the following areas. • Main differences in cultural identity, • Comparing cultural intelligence, • Differentiate the two communication styles, • Ways and methods used to resolve conflict styles. f) DO illustrate all your answers with examples from your life experiences in business, educational, or personal social settings. g) Do remember to frame your discussion by using cultural theory; (You may want to make use of h) Greert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, the five dimensions of national cultures, to substantiate your answers. i) Do cite course materials or other relevant readings explicitly.

Пожалуйста помогите,

saadrasul1: Пожалуйста помогите надо сравнивать с Узбексской культурой


Автор ответа: vita05710

For this essay, I have chosen to compare my own culture, which is American, with the culture of Japan. These two cultures are quite different in terms of their cultural identity, cultural intelligence, communication styles, and conflict resolution methods.

One of the main differences in cultural identity between America and Japan is the individualism versus collectivism dimension. In American culture, individualism is highly valued, which means that individuals are expected to be self-reliant and independent. In contrast, Japanese culture values collectivism, which means that the group, or the community, is prioritized over the individual. This difference can be seen in the way that Americans and Japanese approach relationships, decision-making, and even personal identity.

For example, in American culture, it is common for people to introduce themselves using their first and last names, and to emphasize their own accomplishments and individual achievements. In contrast, Japanese people often introduce themselves using their job title or company name, and may be more hesitant to boast about their own accomplishments. This reflects the importance of group harmony and the desire to avoid standing out in Japanese culture.

Another difference in cultural identity between America and Japan is the high-context versus low-context communication dimension. In American culture, communication is often direct and explicit, with a focus on the words being spoken. In contrast, Japanese culture tends to be high-context, meaning that much of the meaning is conveyed through nonverbal cues and the relationships between people. This can make communication between Americans and Japanese people challenging, as Americans may not always pick up on the subtle cues that are so important in Japanese communication.

When it comes to cultural intelligence, Americans and Japanese people may also have different approaches. Cultural intelligence refers to the ability to understand and adapt to different cultural contexts, and it can be helpful in cross-cultural situations. Americans may be more likely to rely on their own cultural norms and assumptions when interacting with people from other cultures, while Japanese people may be more adaptable and flexible in their communication styles.

One way that these differences in cultural intelligence can manifest is in the way that Americans and Japanese people handle conflict. In American culture, it is common for people to directly confront and address conflicts, and to try to find a solution that works for both parties. In contrast, Japanese people may be more likely to avoid confrontation and to try to find a way to maintain harmony in the group. This can involve using indirect communication styles and finding ways to compromise or avoid the conflict altogether.

Overall, the cultural differences between America and Japan can have a significant impact on communication and conflict resolution. It is important for people from these two cultures to be aware of these differences and to try to adapt their communication styles and conflict resolution methods to better understand and work with each other. By using cultural theory, such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions, we can better understand and appreciate the ways in which different cultures approach communication and conflict resolution.

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