Предмет: Информатика, автор: furmanm

1.Скласти словарний алгоритм миття тарілок
2. Скласти словарний алгоритм обрахування площі трикутника.
3. Побудувати блок-схему алгоритму миття тарілок.
4. Побудувати блок-схему алгоритму обрахування площі прямокутника.
5. Скласти блок-схеми для розв’язання наступних задач:
А) Перевести введену користувачем сумму в гривнях в долари та євро.
Б) Обрахунку суми чисел від 0 до 12


Автор ответа: asilvejstruk

1 Here is a dictionary algorithm for washing dishes:

algorithm = {

   "start": ["gather supplies", "rinse dishes", "scrape off excess food"],

   "gather supplies": ["detergent", "sponge", "towel"],

   "rinse dishes": ["place dishes in sink", "turn on water", "rinse dishes"],

   "scrape off excess food": ["use scraper or brush to remove excess food from dishes"],

   "detergent": ["squirt detergent onto sponge", "wash dishes with sponge"],

   "place dishes in sink": ["place dishes in sink with hot water"],

   "turn on water": ["turn on hot water to rinse dishes"],

   "rinse dishes": ["rinse dishes under hot water"],

   "use scraper or brush to remove excess food from dishes": ["use a scraper or brush to remove excess food from dishes"],

   "squirt detergent onto sponge": ["squirt a small amount of dishwashing detergent onto the sponge"],

   "wash dishes with sponge": ["scrub the dishes with the sponge, making sure to get all surfaces"],

   "end": ["dry dishes", "put away dishes"]



Here is a dictionary algorithm for calculating the area of a triangle:

algorithm = {

   "start": ["input base and height"],

   "input base and height": ["base", "height"],

   "base": ["enter the length of the base of the triangle"],

   "height": ["enter the height of the triangle"],

   "calculate area": ["multiply base by height and divide by 2"],

   "output area": ["print the area of the triangle"],

   "end": []



Here is a block diagram of the plate washing algorithm:




[Gather supplies]



[Rinse dishes]



[Scrape off excess food]








Here is a block diagram of the algorithm for calculating the area of a rectangle:




[Input length and width]



[Calculate area]



[Output area]





A) Convert the amount entered by the user in hryvnias into dollars and euros.




[Input amount in hryvnias]



[Convert to dollars]



[Convert to euros]



[Output converted amounts]




Б) Calculation of the sum of numbers from 0 to 12




[Initialize sum to 0]



[Loop through numbers from 0 to 12]



[Add number to sum]



[Output sum]




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