Предмет: Английский язык, автор: zkyrylo

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1–7) with phrases (A—H). There is one choice you do not need to use.
Eating out in the USA

All restaurants in America accept cash for payment, and most (even some fast food restaurants) also accept credit cards. You will rarely find a restaurant that accepts checks. It is common 1)___ E____ at a popular restaurant. There are many popular restaurants that do not accept reservations, or will only accept reservations for large parties (for example, six or more people). At these restaurants, the wait can be very long on a weekend night, sometimes 2)_______. However, almost all upscale, or more formal, restaurants will accept reservations. There are only a few situations 3) ______. The one you will encounter most often is at restaurants. American restaurants do not add a service charge 4)____. Therefore it is expected that the customer will leave a tip for the server. Common practice is to leave a tip that is equal to 15% of the total bill for acceptable service, and about 20% 5) _____. If the service was unusually poor, then you could leave a smaller tip, about 10%. Other professions where tipping is expected include hairdressers, taxi drivers, hotel porters, parking valets, and bartenders. The general rule is 6)_____ of the bill. In situations where there is no bill (as with hotel porters and parking valets), the tip may range from $1 to $5, depending on the type of establishment and on 7) ____.

A) to the bill
B) which are not on the menu
C) for superior service
D) how good the service was
--((E) to have to wait for a table))--
F) up to one hour
G) where tipping is expected
H) to tip approximately 15%

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Автор ответа: M0hlik

Eating out in the USA

All restaurants in America accept cash for payment, and most (even some fast food restaurants) also accept credit cards. You will rarely find a restaurant that accepts checks. It is common (E) to have to wait for a table at a popular restaurant. There are many popular restaurants that do not accept reservations, or will only accept reservations for large parties (for example, six or more people). At these restaurants, the wait can be very long on a weekend night, sometimes (F) up to one hour. However, almost all upscale, or more formal, restaurants will accept reservations. There are only a few situations (G) where tipping is expected. The one you will encounter most often is at restaurants. American restaurants do not add a service charge (A) to the bill. Therefore it is expected that the customer will leave a tip for the server. Common practice is to leave a tip that is equal to 15% of the total bill for acceptable service, and about 20% (C) for superior service. If the service was unusually poor, then you could leave a smaller tip, about 10%. Other professions where tipping is expected include hairdressers, taxi drivers, hotel porters, parking valets, and bartenders. The general rule is (H) to tip approximately 15% of the bill. In situations where there is no bill (as with hotel porters and parking valets), the tip may range from $1 to $5, depending on the type of establishment and on (D) how good the service was.

zkyrylo: Спасибо!!!
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