14 Correct the mistakes, as in the example. 2 1 Tricia haven't got blue eyes. "I love going to the theatre." "So am I." 3 At the moment, Jim rides his bicycle. 4 John gave she the gift. 5 Julie is waking up at 7.00 every morning. 6 Mike goes to a party on Saturday night. 7 Donna use to have long hair. 8 Mr Smith work at the General Hospital. 9 Is the Sears Tower one of the taller buildings in the world? 10 Sam often eating Chinese food. 11 Her bicycle is most comfortable than Tom's. 12 Did you watched the football game last night? 13 I often goes fishing on Sundays. 14 Paul didn't used to work at a restaurant. 15 He leaves Tokyo next Monday. ...hasn't...
Ошибка подчеркнута, верное слово написано справа от предложения, как в образце.
1 Tricia haven't got blue eyes. hasn't
2 "I love going to the theatre."
"So am I." do
3 At the moment, Jim rides is riding
his bicycle.
4 John gave she the gift. her
5 Julie is waking up at 7.00 wakes
every morning.
6 Mike goes to a party on is going
Saturday night.
7 Donna use to have long hair. used
8 Mr Smith work at the General works
9 Is the Sears Tower one of the
taller buildings in the world? tallest
10 Sam often eating Chinese eats
11 Her bicycle is most more
comfortable than Tom's.
12 Did you watched the football watch
game last night?
13 I often goes fishing on go
14 Paul didn't used to work use
at a restaurant.
15 He leaves Tokyo next is leaving
1 ошибка в несогласованности подлежащего и сказуемого по числу и лицу
2 вспомогательный глагол в ответной реплике должен быть таким же, как в реплике-стимуле
3 длительное действие в настоящем - нужное время Present Continuous
4 неверно употреблено местоимение
5 привычное действие в настоящем - нужно использовать Present Simple
6 запланированное действие на ближайшее будущее
7 привычные действия/состояния в прошлом - used to
8 ошибка в согласовании сказуемого с подлежащим
9 нужна превосходная степень, а не сравнительная
10 частое действие в настоящем - нужно использовать Present Simple
11 нужная сравнительная степень
12 основной глагол в вопросе в Past Simple должен быть в неопределённой форме
13 ошибка в согласовании сказуемого с подлежащим
14 отрицательная форма used to выглядит так: didn't use to
15 запланированное действие на ближайшее будущее - требуется Present Continuous