1.Скласти розповідь використовуючи слова із довідки
2. Скласти речення про свої домашні обов'язки
I like ...
I don`t like...
I hate...

1 задание не понял как делать (Я украинский не знаю), но сделал 2 насколько понял вот так вот надо
I hate clear the table
I like to empty the dishwasher
I don't like feed the dog
I like to hang out the washing
I hate to iron my t-shirt
I don't like load the dishwasher
I hate load the washing machine
I like make my bed
I like put away my clothes
I don't like set the table
I like take out the rubbish
I hate vacuum my room
I like water the plants
Task 1
everyday , when Tom s mom goes to work ,she writes to him "to do list" , in which she always says
1 put away your clothes
2 make your bed
3 vacuum your room
4 load the washing machine
5 and iron yor T-shirt
and she never forgots to wish him a good day!
Task 2
I like feed the dog and water the plants
but i dont like take out the rubbish and load the dishwasher
also, i hate set the table and make my bed.