Предмет: История, автор: Аноним

Тест з помилками
«…Втомившись від нещодавнього походу , військо Ашшурбаніпала поверталося в «Лігво Лева». Саме таку назву отримало місто Вавилон — столиця непереможної Ассирії. Незабаром цар скликав на нараду воєначальників і сановників. За звичаєм, встановленим за часів правління Давида , першого царя Ассирії, винних у невдалому поході мали тут же при всіх страчувати, кинувши до Нілу на поживу крокодилам…»


Автор ответа: desof7

Відповідь: «...Втомившись від нещодавнього походу, військо Ашшурбаніпала поверталося в «Лігво Лева». Саме таку назву отримало місто Ніневія — столиця непереможної Ассирії. Незабаром цар скликав на нараду воєначальників і сановників. За звичаєм, встановленим за часів правління Тіглатпаласара |||, першого царя Ассирії, винних у невдалому поході мали тут же при всіх страчувати, кинувши до Тигру на поживу крокодилам...»

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: adsaa4444
Medical Care
Use the words in the box and place them correctly into the text
Aftereffects Anaesthetics
Laboratory tests Neurologist
Surgery (2)
Emergency Examined
Incurable Insurance:
Prescribes Pressure
usually asks what the trouble is and checks our chest
temperature and where we feel (8).
have to take a deep breath, he also wants us
or she checks our blood(9).
runny nose etc.
General Practicioner (GP)
When we don't feel well it is not always necessary to visit the doctor immediately. We can try to
easily by staying in bed, taking pills and vitamins, keeping warm, sweating and drinking
(1)......….. ..tea with lemon or honey. But sometimes when a patient is trying to overcome a
feverish sickness without staying in bed and curing properly, he takes a risk, as the illness often leaves very
dangerous (2).**********
If we still do not feel well, we finally decide to see a physician who is called a (3).
It is better to make an (4).
..with the doctor in his surgery time (during his office hours) if we
want to avoid long waiting in his waiting room which may often be crowded. Before that the
invites us into the consulting room she has to look for our medical record and check
our (6).
The doctor
throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a
Then he or she listens to our lungs and heart and we
en our mouth to see if our tonsils are swollen. Sometimes he
feels the pulse or takes the blood sample
Finally the doctor diagnoses
problem and (11)..
...the medicine.
Most often we suffer from common illnesses such as flu, tonsilitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. At the
over our cold
say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a
we get vitamins, pills, syrup, gargle, pain killers or antibiotics. Other things available
plasters, ointment, drops... we can also buy some
GP is not the only doctor we can visit. In case of more specific health problems we need the help of various
specialists like a dentist, an orthopaedic, dermatologist, opththalmologist, (14).
gynaecologist, psychiatrist etc.
In serious cases, when we are injured, we have to call the (15).
The injured people are(16).......
..or be taken to hospital.
X-rayed, or generally given any kind of first aid which is
In case of very serious
needed fe. fix fractures, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, stop (17).......
problems the operation or (18)......
is necessary. Before it the patient must undergo a set of
test and then just before the operation he is anaesthetised by means of an injection or inhalation of
(19).................................... The patient might consequently be sent to a (20).
undergoes treatment, massages or exercises.
However there are still (21)............…....…............…........diseases like cancer or AIDS that are
(22)............... a
........so far. In most cases the best help is the prevention and healthy lifestyle.
wher he
Предмет: Математика, автор: dominikakarpova7