Предмет: Українська мова, автор: wwhoamiwhatami

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Написати переказ "Вишивані квіти"


Автор ответа: UniGamer


Жили колись у Чернігові брат із сестрою. Брат звався Яромир, а сестра Доброслава. Яромир був лицар у княжому війську. Вирушив князь на половців, пішов із ним Яромир з іншими дружинниками.

Пройшло багато днів. Повернулися княжі воїни й сказали Доброславі,  що захопив Яромира половецький хан у неволю.

Заплакала Доброслава. А вранці  пішла у степ.

Хан держав Яромира  замкненим у наметі.  Не захотів руський лицар до нього на службу стати, тому хан наказав  його самим сухим хлібом годувати. Мучився Яромир, чорнів та охлявав. Здавалось, навіть кроку ступити вже не може.

А Доброслава заходилася  квіти в степу зривати й плести з них сорочку. Білі квіти були за полотно, а з синіх та червоних дівчина виплітала  узори на плечах. Скінчила плести і пішла у степи половецькі. Ублагала сторожів, щоб  занесли сорочку Яромирові.

Кинули сторожі сорочку у шатро.  Одягнув лицар сорочку і знову набрав сили.

Викрався уночі Яромир з намету, буйним вихором погнав у степ, де знайшов Доброславу. Тоді пішли обоє в Україну.

З того часу українки вишивають барвисті квіти, тому що сила їхня – дивовижна


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ahahhaaaamaska456
Task 1. Read the texts below. For every paragraph (1-3) choose the right headline (A-D). Write appropriate letters next to paragraph numbers. One headline is extra and does not match any of the paragraphs.
A Saving the forests
B A species under threat
C A brighter future
D Gorilla characteristics
1 __________
Mountain gorillas are sociable animals that live in groups. They
communicate with each other by making noises, much like humans do, and studies have identified 25 different sounds. They are truly fascinating creatures, but they are in danger; there are less than 1,000 left in the wild.
2 __________
Mountain gorillas are endangered because they are hunted by humans.
They also suffer from diseases, which they catch from tourists and scientists who are studying their behaviour and characteristics. However, the greatest problem for the mountain gorilla is habitat loss. Africa’s mountain forests are disappearing, which means that the future of the gorillas is uncertain.
3 __________
Many wildlife organisations are helping the mountain gorillas. There are
patrols to stop the hunters and efforts to stop trees being cut down. Also, charities provide lessons for local people about the importance of saving this incredible species and its habitat. Gorilla numbers are slowly increasing and will hopefully continue to rise in the years to come.

Task 2. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false):
Katy Perry is celebrated as one of the world’s most popular performers. Her unique style, dramatic stage presence and impressive singing ability have helped her rise to international stardom. But how much do you know about this princess of pop?
Katy was born on 25th October 1984 in California, USA. She was given the name Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson but uses Katy Perry as her stage name. She started singing at church from an early age, and later signed with different record companies to continue her love of music. However, it wasn’t until she signed with Capitol Music in 2007 that she became the best-selling artist we know today.
Since then, Katy has won lots of music awards and has sold millions of albums and singles worldwide. She is also a songwriter and actress. Katy has starred in her own movie Katy Perry: Part of Me and was the voice of Smurfette in the Smurfs animated film. Some of the money made from Katy's albums and concerts has helped a variety of organisations like UNICEF.
Katy Perry is without a doubt an inspiration to many people around the world and she brightens the lives of her dedicated fans worldwide through her music!
1 Katy Perry is not her real name. ......
2 She started singing in 2007. ......
3 Katy does more than just sing. ......
4 Katy Perry: Part of me was an animated film. ......
5 Katy donates money to charities. ......

Use of English
Task 3. Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form. Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
1. In 2010, the first series of Sherlock (film/London)___________________.
2. John is (noisy/student)____________________in our class.
3. If you (turn out/light) _________________ when you’re not using them, you will save electricity.
4. I can’t believe (you/never/be) _________________ to a music festival before!
5. Yesterday we (go) ___________to two museums, but we
(not/climb)_______________the Eiffel Tower.
Task 4. Choose the correct preposition.
1. They have to figure in/out how to use their new powers back in the real world.
2. I always pay for/in cash.
3. Many animals will be on/in danger if we don't look after the environment.
4. Our Halloween party is on/at Saturday evening.
5. Karen pays attention at/to the amount of sweets she eats. 6. Are you satisfied at/with your new suit?
Task 5. Put the words in the right order.
1. got/parents/have/car/a/your?
2. late/watch TV/never/they/at night.
3. Italian/small/found/square/we/a/table. 4. it/go/you/I/think/should/for.
5. my old one/new flat/as cozy as/my/isn`t 6. Michael Jackson/a/was/singer

WRITING Choose ONE topic that you like the most:
1) Write a short review for an English teen magazine about a film you have seen recently at the cinema (50-100 words). In your review:
- mention the name and type of film.
- give a brief outline of the plot.
- say if you would recommend it or not.
2) You have moved to a new neighbourhood. Write a letter to your English- speaking friend (50-100 words). In your letter:
- say why you have moved.
- describe your new neighbourhood.
- invite your friend to visit.
3) You have just come back from a carnival. Write an email to your English- speaking friend (50-100 words). In your email:
- tell him/her where you went.
- write what you did & saw there.
- recommend it to your friend.
Предмет: Биология, автор: rozahachatryan