Предмет: Химия, автор: Sevati2014


Определите строение атома водорода по положению в Периодической системе. Укажите положение водорода в Периодической системе, напишите схему строения его атома и электронную формулу.

Водород восстанавливает неметаллы.Допишите уравнения реакций:
Назовите продукты реакций.

Водород может восстанавливать металлы из их оксидов:CuO + H2 = Cu + H2O     составьте ОВР

По отношению к активным металлам водород может выступать окислителем:Na + H2 = NaH составьте ОВР


Автор ответа: MariaKumacheva
Водород - это неметалл.
Находится в первой группе главное подгруппы, в первом ряду.
Порядковый номер - один. 
Степени окисления - максимальная (+1), минимальная (-1).
Заряд ядра +1, один энергетический уровень.
Атомная масса равна одному.
Электронов- один, протонов - один, нейтронов- ноль.
Формула водорода: H2

Н2+F2 = 2HF (фтороводородная кислота)
H2+Cl2= 2HCl (соляная кислота)
2H2+O2= 2H2O (вода)
H2+S= H2S (сероводород)
3H2+N2= 2NH3 (аммиак)

CuO + H2 = Cu + H2O 
H2(степень окисления ноль) - 2e = 2H (степень окисления +1) - восстановитель
Cu( степень окисления +2) + 2е = Cu (степень окисления ноль) - окислитель.

2Na + H2 = 2 NaOH
Na(0) - 1e = Na(+1) - восстановитель
H2(0) + 2e = 2H(-1) - окислитель.
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Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.

The main purpose of an education is to teach children to socialize and work with other people their age and provide them with the tools necessary to succeed in life. Not all countries have the same culture, which is why schools often work differently in different countries. The way children learn and what they learn also changes as time passes. Students in Greece today, for example, are learning new things in ways their parents didn’t when they were in school. In Greece, these changes have been taking place for thousands of years.

Education in ancient Sparta was very different from what made up an education in ancient Athens. Life in Athens, for example, was very different from life in Sparta. This made education in the two city-states different from each other. Spartans strongly believed in following rules, living very simple lives and becoming part of a well-trained army. The main reason for an education was to prepare children to become soldier-citizens.

Spartan boys began their education when they were six or seven years old. However, they didn’t go to school in the morning and come back in the afternoon. They would leave home to join groups of other children their age. Older officers would train them until they were 18 years old. Every year of training would become more difficult. The courses they took were very toughand often very painful. They learned to fight and wrestle. Some Spartans learned to read and write as well, but they didn’t learn science or maths because it was not considered as important as becoming good soldiers ready to die for the Spartan state. Music and dancing, however, were a part of their classes. When they turned 20, they finally became soldier-citizens ready to fight for the Spartan state if necessary. Only when a Spartan became 60 could he live at home with his family.

Although other Greek states did not provide an education for the girls, the Spartans did. The girls didn’t have to leave home, but they learned many of the same things the boys did. They also learned to run, jump, wrestle and fight with weapons.The main purpose of education in Athens was different. They prepared themselves for both times of war and times of peace. Boys mostly went to private schools and did not get an education from the state like in Sparta. Education began at home and was given by either a parent or a male slave. At around the age of 6 or 7 boys were sent to elementary school and would follow lessons until they were about 14 years old.

Like the Spartans, Athenians also received a physical education. Some of what they learned included running, jumping, boxing, wrestling, javelin, gymnastics and discus. However, they also learned to play musical instruments, sing, solve maths problems, read and write. Literature was considered the most important lesson. Students who learned to read and write would study Homer’s Odyssey and the Iliad. Girls did not go to school, but often learned how to read and write at home. For the Athenians, the education of the mind was just as important as that of the body.

1 Read the statements below and answer either S (for Sparta), A (for Athens), or B (for both).[12 points]

1Children didn’t live at home when they were getting an education. ____

2 Exercise was an important part of the education. ____

3 Boys learned music at school. ____

4 All boys learned to read and write. ____

5 The state provided an education for all boys and girls. ____

6 They believed the arts and sciences were just as important as being a good

soldier. ____