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4.a) Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions.
1.folklore - (n.) the traditional stories and culture of a group of people.
2. (n.) a collection of things shown publicly.
3.(n.) a sheltered place in a garden formed by trees and bushes that are grown to partly surround it.
4.(n.) the area of land along the edge of the sea or a lake.
5.(v.) to represent something.
6.(n.) the state of being joined together or in agreement.
7.(n.) the belief in and worship of a god or gods.

Соотнесите выделенные слова в тексте с определениями.
2. exhibition - (n.) a collection of things shown publicly.
выставка - (н.) коллекция вещей, показанных публично.
3. arbor - (n.) a sheltered place in a garden formed by trees and bushes that are grown to partly surround it.
беседка - (н.) защищенное место в саду, образованное деревьями и кустарниками, которые частично окружают его.
4. shore - (n.) the area of land along the edge of the sea or a lake.
берег - (н.) участок суши вдоль кромки моря или озера.
5. simbolize - (v.) to represent something.
имитировать - (v.) представлять что-либо.
6. unity - (n.) the state of being joined together or in agreement.
единство - (н.) состояние соединения вместе или в согласии.
7. religion - (n.) the belief in and worship of a god or gods.
религия - (н.) вера в бога или богов и поклонение им.