Предмет: Информатика, автор: arslan62

Талдап, салыстырайык
Табигаттын терт мезгілінің суреттерін салыстырып,
кандай акпарат алуга болатынын талдап, зерттеп айт. Саган
кандай жыл мезгiлi унайды?(срочно помогите) пример информатики 5 класса!!



Автор ответа: berikerkezan78


Маған бәрінен қатты жаз мезгілі ұнайды себебі жазда әртүрлі жерге қыдырып, көңіл күй көтеріп қайтасын, Жазда тағы өзіннің ауылына немесе алыста тұратын туған туыс, достарына барасын. Жалпы жаз мезгілі ол бәріненде ерекше мезгіл өйткені, жазда көлге шомылып апа мен атаға барып келуге болады. Тағыда қыс мезгілі өте керемет. Себебі, қыста отбасынмен отырып жаңа жыл тойлаймыз. Достарыммен қар атысып, аққала жасап ойнаймыз. Тағыда туан туыстарымыздан, ата-анамыздан асыға күтіп отырып жаңа жылдық көңіл күй ішін сыйлықтарын тосамыз. Жалпы маған барлық мезгіл үнайды осы төрт мезгілдеде әр түрлі мейрамдар болады!

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: McMMf
... We represent the Young Journalists' Club and we are looking to collaborate with organizations and individuals who are interested in publishing, promoting or displaying our articles and materials. Though most of the members of the club are amateur journalists, we do the job very professionally and you can see our articles not only on internet blogs but in reputed journals as well (the list is below). We research teenagers' lives in order to understand what today's youth are interested in, what they care for, and what, on the contrary, they are indifferent to. We carry out surveys and questionnaires, analyse related statistics which make our conclusions reliable and focused. The articles we prepare comprise politics and culture, environmental issues and human rights problems; they may be controversial as we try to display the diversity of views and opinions. If you think you may find our articles of some interest, we would be happy to discuss any form of collaboration.

Just to give you some idea of the materials we have, we'll share some of our recent findings:

Lately we've been looking into the issue of TV, i.e. what teenagers watch on TV and what TV programmes they enjoy. Forty teenagers, aged 14 - 16, were interviewed, and we received some curious results. Here are some of them:

About thirty-five percent of the interviewed said that they don't watch the news at all. Our respondent Julia Smith commented on it like this: "I don't watch the news. They talk about either wars or terrorist attacks. If I watch it, I start feeling down and scared... so... I just don't watch."

Sixty-five percent watch the news occasionally and randomly. People from that group were unable to name any programme they trust. They confuse Presidents and Prime Ministers, they are not sure about the regions of armed conflicts and they do not know what the word summit means. However, more than half of our respondents noted that they would like to feel more confident about political issues and that it would be useful to have some Political Literacy classes in the school curriculum.

The survey also revealed some really unexpected things. For example, most teenagers are not actually keen on thrillers and action films. They say they definitely prefer point-and-shoot computer games to action films.

As for TV, about sixty percent of our respondents claim that they would like to have more educational and popular science films and programmes on TV. Scientific breakthroughs, cutting edge technologies, the mysteries of the ancient civilizations - all these topics would be very welcome...

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Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Udyifyyfiyfiyfi