10 Complete the text with do, go or play. Adam and Vince 'play football every weekend. Their sister Judy doesn't 2. .... - she doesn't like it - but she and her friends 3 6 tennis on Saturdays. They also athletics at school and they want to take part in the Olympic Games one day. In the Christmas holidays, Adam, Vince and Judy snowboarding and their parents .... skiing. In the summer holidays mountain biking. Next 5 football 4 they all 7 year the children want to start a new sport, Adam wants to 8 judo, Vince wants to archery and Judy wants to horse-riding.
Adam and Vince play football every weekend. Their sister Judy doesn't play football - she doesn't like it -but she and her friends play tennis on Saturdays. They also do athletics at school and they want to take part in the Olympic Games one day. In the Christmas holidays Adam, Vince and Judy go snowboarding and their parents go skiiing. In the summer holidays they all go mountain biking. Next year the children want to stat a new sport, Adam wants to do judo, Vince wants to do archery and Judy wants to go horse-riding.
Адам и Винс играют в футбол каждые выходные. Их сестра Джуди не играет в футбол — ей это не нравится, — но по субботам она и ее друзья играют в теннис. Еще они занимаются легкой атлетикой в школе и хотят однажды принять участие в Олимпийских играх. В рождественские каникулы Адам, Винс и Джуди катаются на сноуборде, а их родители катаются на лыжах. На летних каникулах все катаются на горных велосипедах. В следующем году дети хотят начать новый вид спорта, Адам хочет заниматься дзюдо, Винс хочет заниматься стрельбой из лука, а Джуди хочет заниматься верховой ездой.