Choose the correct word.
1. Sam was busy reading an interesting/interested book.
2. I saw an amazed/amazing film on TV last night.
3. Lots of annoyed/annoying passengers complained about the train delays.
4. The exciting/excited children were talking and laughing happily.
5. You need to talk about/to Ellie and ask her to help you.
6. That girl is smiling at/of me!
7. If Paula invite/invites me, I will certainly go.
8. I’ll/I’ll be late for work if I miss the next train.
1. Sam was busy reading an interesting book.
• здесь мы описываем книгу, вызывающую в нас эмоции, поэтому используем окончание ing.
2. I saw an amazing film on TV last night.
• то же самое. Мы описываем фильм, вызывающий эмоции, поэтому используем ing.
3. Lots of annoyed passengers complained about the train delays.
• в этом предложении мы описываем состояние людей (пассажиров), используем ed.
.4. The excited children were talking and laughing happily.
• снова описываем состояние людей и их эмоции (дети счастливы), поэтому ed.
5. You need to talk to Ellie and ask her to help you.
• talk to someone - говорить в кем-то
• talk about something - говорить о чём-то.
6. That girl is smiling at me!
• smile at - устойчивое словосочетание наравне с laught at (смеяться над), shout at (кричать на)
7. If Paula invites me, I will certainly go.
• Paula - she. Не забываем про окончание -(e)s.
8. I’ll be late for work if I miss the next train.
• опаздывать - be late. В будущем это will be late.