срочно! рядом если что правило надо Make Passive sentences in the present simple, и Make Passive sentences in the past simple!Без спама, а спам= жалоба
1. the room is swept twice a day
this shop is open before 8:00
nice cars are produced in Germany
more trees are cut down day by day
some animals are killed in jungles
big ships are made in Tula
milk is brought to our house every day
new projects are made in the company
mobile phones are produced in China
pretty sandals are sold here
newspaper is found in this shop
2. this song was sung everywhere in 1970
flowers were planted in this area
strawberries were grown in this town
telephones were invented in England
my car was produced in 2008
the forest was burned down in 1986
this school was built a decade ago
your computer was infected by a virus
the television was fixed last weekend
the apples were harvested before Friday
my clothes were washed last night