Надо 100-120± слов.
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Nowadays, having rabbits as pets is becoming more and more popular, so many people want to know whether rabbits are good house pets. I believe that they are for several reasons.
First, rabbits are friendly. They enjoy being with people and love playing, which makes them great pets, especially, if you have children. Also, they have interesting personalities and are fun to watch.
Second, you should not worry about them making a noise or a mess. Rabbits are quiet animals, and even if they might bite or scratch at first, they will soon learn not to. Also, they are easily trained to use a litter tray.
However, it does not mean they do not cause any problems. Rabbits like chewing things and digging holes so be prepared that one day you can find a chewed towel or your child’s toy. Also, they can hurt you if they are scared.
Nevertheless, if you are ready to invest your time and make sure that your pet has proper conditions to live in, adopting a rabbit is a great choice that will most likely make your life happier.
(185 слов, в рамках +10% к 180 словам)
- Вступление (общее предложение для введения в тему + свое мнение)
- Параграф 2 (первый аргумент в поддержку своего мнения)
- Параграф 3 (второй аргумент в поддержку своего мнения)
- Параграф 4 (аргумент в поддержку противоположной позиции)
- Заключение (рассказываем, почему аргумент из параграфа 4 не преграда + еще раз выражаем свое мнение другими словами)