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Ответ: 2. An asteroid is a rock from space that can hit the earth. 3. People who survive a disaster are called survivors. 4. I’m worried that our plane might crash. 5. A fire can burn down a building. 6. A volcano is a kind of mountain that can explode. 7. After a disaster, the first thing people do is rescuing survivors. 8. A strong earthquake can shake the earth and knock down buildings and kill many people. 9. An oil spill sometimes happens when an oil tanker has an accident at sea. 10. Some people are not hurt by a disaster, but others are victims. 11. A hurricane is a large storm with strong winds that can affect a whole country. 12. A tsunami with large ocean waves sometimes happens after an earthquake. 13. A tornado is smaller than a hurricane, but its strong winds can also destroy many buildings. 14. After a lot of heavy rain, a landslide might cause lots of soil to slide down a mountain. 15. Some disasters, like plane crashes, may be causes by people. Other disasters are natural disasters.