Предмет: Математика, автор: Valer26

Прошу помощи срочно помогите пожалуйста. Определите площадь основания и объем пирамиды! В основе пирамиды лежит прямоугольный треугольник с катетерами длиной 3 см и 4 см и высотой 15 см. Spam=?см2 V =? см3


Автор ответа: kanybekovanurzada501


V=a•b•c V это обьем

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в-15см V=180cм

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Похожие вопросы
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Заполните пропуски, используя данные слова, притом дополнительно можно использовать от 3 до 6 слов.

1. Jane would only speak the managing director alone.


Jane …………….. to the managing director alone.

2. The number of our client positive feedback has decreased tremendously in the

past year.


In the past year, …………….. in the number of our client positive feedback.

3. Tash found it almost impossible to understand how to operate the machine



Tash couldn’t …………….. how to operate the machine correctly.

4. Do you mind if we quote from your report in the staff newsletter?


Would …………….. quoting from your report in the staff newsletter?

5. John was about to leave when his university team scored a goal.


John was …………….. when his university team scored a goal.

6. Anna didn’t see it was snowing until she went outside.


It …………….. outside that she saw it was snowing.

7. Giving up consuming salty foods is a really wise way to improve your overall

health condition.


To improve your overall health condition it’s …………….. out salty foods from

your daily diet.

8. Because of her accent, it was rather complicated to understand her initially, but

the students soon got adjusted to the way she spoke.


Because of her accent, the teacher had some …………….. initially, but the

students soon got adjusted to the way she spoke.

9. The siblings have a bewilderedly close relationship.


There …………….. in the siblings’ relationship.

10. There is a good gossip that Josh is about to announce his decision to step down.


Rumor has it …………….. his resignation.