Choose the problem which is the most imoportant for you надо написать сочинение небольшое о любой проблеме подростков
Angela,Hello! I have many problems but I will tell you only odnoj had a fight with her best podrugoi of course bad but she's so bad for me povliyala,and we quarreled!!I I really want her to go against,but she does not understand me!!!This the biggest problem! Yet,Angela!
Анжела,привет! у меня очень много проблем но расскажу тебе толко одну.Я поссорилась со своей лучшей подругой.Это конечно плохо но она так плохо на меня повлеяла,и мы поссорились!!Я очень хочу с ней померится,но она меня не понимает!!!Это самая большая проблема! Пока,Анжела!
Now the most popular problem with sprouts is the lack of attention. Because of this, teenagers do not trust their parents and enter into bad company. To fix this problem, parents should always be interested in the lives of their children and pay attention to them.