Краткие ответы:
- a) had stayed
- b) were
- c) arrive
- d) would have bought
- e) would go
- f) comes
- g) had thought
- h) gets
- i) will become
- j) had known
- k) hurries up
- l) would change
- m) would have trust
- n) doesn't study
- o) weren't
a: If I had stayed in Madrid, I would have found a new girlfriend.
- Third conditional (3-й тип).
b: He would do more to help the poor if he were the Pope.
- Second conditional (2-й тип).
c: We won't go to the cinema unless they arrive in the next 5 minutes.
- First conditional (1-й тип).
d: She would have bought a new car if she had had the money.
- Third conditional (3-й тип).
e: If I were you, I would go to Manchester immediately.
- Second conditional (2-й тип).
f: They will talk to Jack if he comes.
- First conditional (1-й тип).
g: If Peter had thought twice, he wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.
- Third conditional (3-й тип).
h: Plastic melts if it gets too hot.
- Zero conditional (0-й тип).
i: Kim will become a university lecturer if she studies hard.
- First conditional (1-й тип).
j: If they had known all the facts, they would have found the defendant guilty.
- Third conditional (3-й тип).
k: Unless he hurries up, we will never arrive on time.
- First conditional (1-й тип).
l: If I were in charge, I would change the standard business routines.
- Second conditional (2-й тип).
m: If I hadn't known better, I would have trust him.
- Third conditional (3-й тип).
n: If he doesn't study, he won't pass the exam.
- First conditional (1-й тип).
o: If I weren't so short, I would be a model.
- Second conditional (2-й тип).