Предмет: Русский язык, автор: darinaserikova664

5 предложений на тему праздники и исправить синтаксический разбор​


Автор ответа: natashashulepova666


Празники: Бываю разными

И разной национальности

Например: Амереканский празних хелуин его празноют в Омерике но некотырые люди празною в всвоей стране хоть это и празник но не их национальности


Сори: написала как смогла

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: BrainDogsChannel789
Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и в нужной форме
1. It sometimes (snows/is snowing) here in April. 2. It (snows/is snowing) now. 3. Every morning mother
(cooks/is cooking) breakfast for us. 4. It is 8 o’clock. Mother (cooks/ cooking) breakfast. 5. Every day father
(leaves/is leaving) the house at half past eight. 6. It is half past eight. Father (leaves/is leaving the house). 7.
We often (watch/are watching) TV. 8. Now we (sit/ sitting) in armchairs and (watch/are watching) TV. 9.
Sometimes Mike (does/is doing) his lessons in the evening. 10. Look at Mike. He (does/is doing) his lessons.
11. It often (rains/is raining) in September. 12. It (rains/is raining) now. 13. Every day the family (has/is
having) tea at 5 o’clock. 14. It is 5 o’clock. The family (has/is having) tea.
Упражнение 2. Выберите из скобок нужную форму. Объясните сделанный выбор.
1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every
week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim
(study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to
the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse.
Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски, используя don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t или am not.
1. We … watching a television programme now. 2. We … watch television every day. 3. It… raining very
hard at the moment. 4. I … hear you well. 5. It… rain very much in summer. 6. Mr Johnson … eating his
lunch now. 7. Mr Johnson … always eat at that cafe. 8. I… see any students in that room. 9. They … like milk
for lunch. 10. He … have money for a new car.
Упражнение 5. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1.We not going to school today. 2. What you doing after school? 3. At the moment Peter is work in Russia. 4.
Does he got a new car? 5. He never wear a hat. 6. He don’t like black coffee. 7. We are have a good time. 8.
What you doing now? 9. It rains at the moment. 10. How you like the game?
Present Simple или Present Continuous. Упражнения
(уровень II)
В этих предложениях не всегда есть подсказки (временные выражение). Подсказкой является может
являться сама ситуация — КОНТЕКСТ. Попробуйте представить, происходит ли данное действие в
настоящем времени (вы как бы видите эту картинку) — Present Continuous или действие регулярно
повторяется изо дня в день — Present Simple.
Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.1. My brother (talk) to Tom now. 2. Не (work) hard every day. 3. That girl (speak) English very well. 4. My
friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much. 5. John and Frank (write) letters at this moment. 6. The children (sleep)
for two hours every afternoon. 7. It (rain) very much in autumn. 8. Miss Peters (talk) to Mr Johnson right now.
9. We (do) Exercise 13. 10. My mother (cook) very well.
Упражнение 7. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. Where your sister work? 2. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 3. How much you sleep? 4. We no wear a uniform
at school. 5. That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 6. Claire not like oranges. 7. Sorry.
You can’t speak to Jane. She’s sleep. 8. My friend live in Great Britain. 9. Peter’s a businessman. He’s
working all over the world.