Предмет: Литература, автор: кувшинчек

стих марины цветаевой про маму


Автор ответа: vikalove


В старом вальсе штраусовском впервые
Мы услышали твой тихий зов,
С той поры нам чужды все живые
И отраден беглый бой часов.

Мы, как ты, приветствуем закаты,
Упиваясь близостью конца.
Все, чем в лучший вечер мы богаты,
Нам тобою вложено в сердца.

К детским снам клонясь неутомимо,
(Без тебя лишь месяц в них глядел!)
Ты вела своих малюток мимо
Горькой жизни помыслов и дел.

С ранних лет нам близок, кто печален,
Скучен смех и чужд домашний кров...
Наш корабль не в добрый миг отчален
И плывет по воле всех ветров!

Все бледней лазурный остров — детство,
Мы одни на палубе стоим.
Видно грусть оставила в наследство
Ты, о мама, девочкам своим! 

Автор ответа: офли

Марина Цветаева
В старом вальсе штраусовском впервые
Мы услышали твой тихий зов,
С той поры нам чужды все живые
И отраден беглый бой часов.

Мы, как ты, приветствуем закаты,
Упиваясь близостью конца.
Все, чем в лучший вечер мы богаты,
Нам тобою вложено в сердца.

К детским снам клонясь неутомимо,
(Без тебя лишь месяц в них глядел!)
Ты вела своих малюток мимо
Горькой жизни помыслов и дел.

С ранних лет нам близок, кто печален,
Скучен смех и чужд домашний кров...
Наш корабль не в добрый миг отчален
И плывет по воле всех ветров!

Все бледней лазурный остров-детство,
Мы одни на палубе стоим.
Видно грусть оставила в наследство
Ты, о мама, девочкам своим!

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Переводите пожалуйста тексты. A gift or a curse?
They had difficulties learning to read and to
write. Their classmates laughed at them, their
teachers often thought they were stupid and lazy,
their parents despaired. Most of them hated to go
to school and wanted to drop out of school as
soon as possible. In short, they had unhappy
school years.
Some of the world's greatest composers,
writers and inventors had an unpleasant time at
school like this. Later, when they became
successful, nobody was more surprised than their
old classmates. Were these people stupid? No, of
course not.
Dyslexia is a lifelong challenge that people are
born with. It means that people have problems
with reading, writing, spelling and sometimes with
memorising things. Dyslexia is not a sign of poor
intelligence or laziness. Nor is it the result of poor
instruction. Children and adults with dyslexia
simply process and interpret information
differently. Dyslexia occurs among people of all
economic and ethnic backgrounds. Often more
than one member of a family has it. Statistically,
about 15 percent of people are dyslexic, but not all
of them realise it.
Some experts think, however, that dyslexic
people are highly creative and intuitive because
their brain works differently. A good example is
Vladimir Mayakovsky, a renowned Russian and
Soviet poet, who had trouble with commas and
full stops but created his own revolution in
poetry. He changed the very idea of poetry by
introducing new subjects, new vocabulary and
new rhythms.
Some people with dyslexia discover they have
special, hidden talents, but only when they are
older. A good example is Agatha Christie, one of
the most successful writers in history – two billion
books published in 44 languages! At school she had
problems with writing and often got bad marks for
essays. Her parents were disappointed and wanted
Agatha to leave school early. She only started
writing because her older sister said she couldn't
do it! And even when she was already a famous
crime writer, she sometimes felt embarrassed
because she still couldn't spell.
There is a long list of people like Vladimir
Mayakovsky and Agatha Christie, writers and poets,
inventors and artists, actors and politicians. Hans
Christian Andersen, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da
Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves -
to name just a few. These important and creative
people had problems with reading and writing
when they were young. Of course, that doesn't
mean that if you have dyslexia, you will become
a genius in time, but it shows that dyslexia may be
a gift and not a curse,​
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: imangalim200868