Помогите с дз по английскому

Упр. 2.
1. don't offer, will work
2. will be, start
3. won't go, use
4. don't do, will get
5. will have, understand
Упр. 3.
2. If I saw a stranger enter my neighbor's house through a window, I would immideately call the police.
3. If I had to live on a desert island, I would probably die in a week or two.
4. If my school had to close for a month because of a fire, I would study just as hard at home.
5. If I woke up tomorrow as a member of the opposite sex, I would thoroughly enjoy the new experience.
6. If I could talk to animals, I would ask them questions about their lives.
7. If I were able to understand what other people think, my life would be so much easier.
8. If I discovered that I could travel through time, I would go back in time and fix some of my previous mistakes.