Написать эссе на тему " Использование мобильных телефонов в школе" 120-150 слов.
Должно быть:
1. Введение
2. Точка зрения и пример
3. Провотиположнное мнение и пример
4 Вывод:
Заранее спасибо)))
Do cell phones in class actually have such a huge impact on learning as educators say they do? Is it really relevant to ban cell phones at school? Do we really have to ban something which was already part of the school system? A simple answer to all of those questions is no. Although some schools don’t think cell phone usage should be allowed in a classroom. Students should be able to use their cell phones in class because they can use them to check facts, you can do assignments on them, and parent to student contact would be much easier.
One reason why Students should be able to use our cell phones in class is because they can use their mobile devices to check facts and get the information they need with their smartphones or mobile devices.…show more content…
Both students and teachers can now find facts within seconds. This can be very useful when explaining and debating topics.”
As we all know, kids in this day in age have so much power in the palm of their hands they can get any piece of information they need in seconds and they should be able to use that power.