Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Lenusik1984

1) Какие правила надо знать, чтобы правильно написать каждое из данных?
   герб-гербы                часы-час
   плод-плоды               стриж-стрижи
   мороз- морозы           карандаш-карандаши
2) Подчеркните в словах орфограммы.
3) Какие способы проверки правописания слов с безударным гласным звуком и парным по глухости-звонкости согласным звуком в корнях будут общими? А какие различными? 


Автор ответа: Аноним
герБ-гербы                чАсы-ЧАс
   плоД-плОды               стриЖ-стрИЖИ
   мОроЗ- моро3ы           кАрАндаШ-кАрАндАШИ
 1. И, у, а после шипящих ( стриЖИ, карандашИ, ЧАс)
 2. Безударные проверяемые гласные в корне (карандАши, плОды, стрИжи)).
 3. Непроверяемые гласные и согласные ( мОро3, кАрандаш).
 4.  Проверяемые согласные в корне слова ( герБ, плоД, стриЖ, мороЗ, карандаШ )
 Общее : нужно подбирать такие проверочные слова, чтобы буква слышалась отчетливо. Различие : для согласных - находим такие слова, чтобы после нее  стояла гласная или сонорная, для гласных - ищем слова с ударной глас.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Паладин555
Хороший смысловой перевод текста.
онлай переводчик не конает.
Minerals. Milk is noted for its abundant supply of minerals. Moreover, they occur in
milk m the right proportions or ratios for optimal absorption into blood from the digestive
ract. Milk is the best nutritional source of calcium, not only because of its richness in
calcium, but also because of the favourable calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio (about 1.4:1).
It also contains trace amounts of potassium, chloride, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, copper,
iodine, and so on.
Approximately 99 percent of the calcium and 90 percent of the phosphorus in the
body is in the skeleton. The dramatic supplementary value of milk minerals for growth of
children was noted by the study involving 20000 schoolchildren (5 to 12 years of age) in
Scotland, one group received about 0,35 litre of milk daily in addition to food consumed at
home. The j researchers concluded that “the influence of the addition of milk to the diet of
schoolchildren is reflected in a definite increase in the rate of growth both in height and
weight”. This growth- accelerating effect of milk results largely from the richness and
availability of milk calcium j and phosphorus. Skim milk (nonfat milk) has been reported
to increase growth in height as much as does whole milk.
Recent experiments using radioisotopes indicate that about one-sixth of the skeletal
calcium is turned over7 annually, and if the diet is low in calcium, it is taken away from
the bones. Thus, this mineral is of great importance to the health of senior citizens, though
the need for a consistent and reliable source of dietary calcium exists throughout ones life.
Unfortunately, milk consumption among those 25 years and older is said to be too low to
ensure adequate dietary calcium.
Milk is deficient in iron and copper. A lack of adequate amount of these minerals is said to keep milk from being a complete food. However, this is not an accident of nature
because the presence in milk of these minerals (in much larger amounts than normally
exist) would be destructive to certain vitamins and would catalyze oxidation thereby
producing a metallic or oxidized flavour.
Предмет: Математика, автор: lizabashlakova