Предмет: Английский язык, автор: queenrona13


In light of the rapidly
changing business world a businessman if he wants to conduct his business
successfully, must meet certain require­ments. First of all he must be flexible
of mind and adaptable to change. He needs not so much a specialised knowledge
of today's business practice as the qualities of mind and the basic knowledge
that will make it possible for him to understand the new business situation and
adapt himself to the new business world in which he will live and work in

educational requirements of businessmen are not radically dif­ferent from those
of administrators of other types. Organizational skill, problem-solving
ability, imagination, a rational approach to the use of re­sources, wideness of
respective, and a sense of social responsibility - these
are the qualities which are needed for all types of leaders including man­agers.

very important for a manager to have a skill in human relations which has
become an important part of effective management. This is to be understood in
the broad sense, in other words, the knowledge and skills in the field of human
relations should be included in the range of a man­ager's activities. Only
through such knowledge "and skills can a manager ensure the regulation of
relations between the numbers of the organisation. In addition, the manager who
actually deals with people, every day must be quite knowledgeable in the field
of psychology. He must be also compe­tent in the area of human behaviour.
 ответьте на вопросы: 
  Must a manager be flexible of mind and adaptable to changes?   Does he need a specialised knowledge of today's business practice?   What qualities of mind does he need?    What are educational requirements of manager?   What are the personal qualities of a manager?  What skills is it important for a manager to have?  Why must a manager be knowledgeable in the field of psychology? .  Must a manager be competent in the area of human behaviour?

queenrona13: Помогите, пожалуйста)))


Автор ответа: Pickpocket
1) Businessman must be flexible
of mind and adaptable to change.
2,3) He needs not so much a specialised knowledge
of today's business practice as the qualities of mind and the basic knowledge
that will make it possible for him to understand the new business situation and
adapt himself to the new business world.
4) Organizational skill, problem-solving
ability, imagination, a rational approach to the use of re­sources, wideness of
respective, and a sense of social responsibility.
5) The knowledge and skills in the field of human
relations should be included in the range of a man­ager's activities.
6) The manager who
actually deals with people, every day must be quite knowledgeable in the field
of psychology.
7) He must be  competent in the area of human behaviour.

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