Всем привет. Нужно сделать третье задание. Первые два задания я сделал, но если не трудно, то напишите как правильно, сравню, ибо во "временах" не особо сильно разбираюсь.
Задание 1.
Раскройте скобки, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) She /be/ in England for six months.
a)has been
b)had been
c)will have been
d)will be
2) When they came home, Liza already / to cook/ dinner.
a)has cooked
b)had cooked
c)was cooking
d)will have cooked
e)will be cooking
3) The children /clean/ the classroom from 4 till 5 yesterday.
a)have cleaned
b)had cleaned
c)were cleaning
d)will be cleaning
e)will have cleaned
4) I'm afraid the books you ordered / not to arrive/ by Friday.
a)haven't arrived
b)won't have arrived
c)hadn't arrived
d)won't be arriving
e)weren't arriving
5) He /read/ this book by the end of this week.
a)have read
b)will have read
c)had read
d)will be reading
e)was reading
Задание 2.
Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме времени в пропущенные места, переведите предложения на русский язык:
Глаголы: know, rain, come,watch, do
1. By this time tomorrow we...home.
2.She ...TV at 4 o'clock tomorrow.
3.It...all day long yesterday.
4. I...him for three months.
5. By 5 o'clock yesterday they.... their homework.
Задание 3.
Переведите Past Progressive в Future Progressive, Present Perfect B
Past Perfect, Future Progressive B Future Perfect и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1) I was going to bed at 9 o'clock yesterday (at 9 o'clock tomorrow).
2)She has just gone out(by that time yesterday).
3) He will be playing computer games the whole evening tomorrow (by 3
o'clock tomorrow).
Задание 1.
1) She /be/ in England for six months.
a) has been
Она находится в Англии шесть месяцев.
2) When they came home, Liza already / to cook/ dinner.
b) had cooked
Когда они пришли домой, Лиза уже приготовила обед.
3) The children /clean/ the classroom from 4 till 5 yesterday.
c) were cleaning
Дети убирали кабинет вчера с 4 до 5 часов.
4) I'm afraid the books you ordered / not to arrive/ by Friday.
b) won't have arrived
Боюсь, что заказанные вами книги не прибудут до пятницы.
5) He /read/ this book by the end of this week.
b) will have read
Он прочитает (закончит читать) эту книгу к концу этой недели.
Задание 2.
1. By this time tomorrow we will have come home.
Завтра к этому времени мы придем домой.
2. She will be watching TV at 4 o'clock tomorrow.
Завтра в 4 часа она будет смотреть телевизор.
3. It rained all day long yesterday.
Вчера весь день шел дождь.
4. I have known him for three months.
Я знаю его три месяца.
5. By 5 o'clock yesterday they had done their homework.
Вчера к 5 часам они сделали домашнее задание.
Задание 3.
1) I will be going to bed at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
Я буду ложиться спать в 9 часов завтра.
2) By that time yesterday she had gone out.
Dчера она ушла к тому времени.
3) He will have played computer games by 3 o'clock tomorrow.
Завтра к 3 часам он уже поиграет (закончит играть) в компьютерные игры.