перевести с укр. на анг. срочно!!!
Де були твоï друзі у
понеділок ввечері? - Вони були вдома.
Яка погода була у четвер?
-Погода була сніжною.
Ти був у школі в понеділок? - Hi.
Учнi не повинні
спізнюватися на заняТТЯ. Хто має прибирати у кімнаті? - Я.
Ти можеш мені допомогти? - Так.
Мамо, можна я піду на спортивний майданчик після уроків? - Боюся, що нi.
Сьогодні вітряно? - Нi. Сьогодні тепло і сонячно. Хто може прочитати ці слова? - Я.
Діти повинні допомагати батькам по господарству.
Лілі вміє прасувати сукні? - Так.
Нік був сумним учора.
Where were your friends in
Monday night? - They were at home.
What was the weather like on Thursday?
- The weather was snowy.
Were you at school on Monday? - Hi.
Students should not
be late for class. Who should clean the room? - Me.
Can you help me? - Yeah.
Mom, can I go to the playground after school? "I'm afraid not.
Is it windy today? - No. It's warm and sunny today. Who can read these words? - Me.
Children should help their parents with household chores.
Does Lily know how to iron dresses? - Yeah.
Nick was sad yesterday.
urgently !!!
Where were your friends?
Monday night? - They were at home.
What was the weather like on Thursday?
-The weather was snowy.
Were you at school on Monday? - Hi.
Students should not
be late for class. Who should clean the room? - I.
You can help me? - So.
Mom, can I go to the playground after school? - I'm afraid not.
Is it windy today? - No. Today it is warm and sunny. Who can read these words? - I.
Children should help their parents with the housework.
Can Lily iron dresses? - So.
Nick was sad yesterday.
а переводчик зач?