Помогите пожалуйста

1. I asked my friend about his favorite food
His favorite food is salad or fish soup. He says that it is tasty and healthy for the body.
2. I also told my friend about what I like to eat and what not. I do not like porridge, especially cold because it is not tasty
3. My friend told me that he usually goes to the store for school supplies, he buys pens, pencils and notebooks there.
4. We also decided to share what transports we like to travel on, I really like planes, they fly high and fast
Вопрос 5, там если не ошибаюсь нужно по тексту делать, ибо спрашивают конкретное имя, куда попала, что делала, отвечу чисто по картинке, а там дополните.
5. She was traveling by ship and came across an island, the weather was sunny.
Надеюсь как то помогла.