Розповідь "What to see and what to do in London" (12 речень).
I'd like to tell you about things, and places, you can do and visit in London.
So let me start. First of all - Big Ben. If i were you, i would visit it first of all, as i said before. London is capital of England and UK. The story of this city is coming from times of roman people! A little about ecology in London. In times of medieval, London was suffering from unclean air , so people called the city as " white smog ". After 1952 year, goverment has wrote a legislative measures, and those had lead to clearment of air. And, anyway, in 2011 London still was one of the dirtiest cities of Europe.
The most popular sports in London : rugby, football, and tennis.
There are more than 40 universities . Much of big theatres in London are located in West-Side district.
And here is some of attractions : Tower Bridge, St Paul couple , Buckingham palace, and the houses of parlament. I advice you to visit London, as possible ,as you can. And i wish to visit someday.