Предмет: История, автор: kakadushk

як впливав на історію Польщі та Литви німецький "натиск на схід"​


Автор ответа: dariabubuei646


«стягнення» земель як повоєнної репарації мав дуже важливі соціально-економічні наслідки для Польщі і польського народу. Їх вплив на польсько-німецькі відносини був і залишається неоднозначним, оскільки передача земель супроводжувалася масовими втечами і/або депортацією етнічних німців, чехів, сілезців і кашубів до Німеччини

aaaaazzzzzaaazzz0123: ❤️
vlad22877760: спс
qwrwtwtwtwtwtw: (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
kirillhraf378: (つ✧ω✧)つ
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Нужно слова на места пропусков вставить в правильную форму. Age / be set / birthplace / childhood / contemporaries / describe / die / honour / inspire / marry / novelist / plots / powerful / publish / remarkable / success / vivid

Agatha christie is the world's most famous detective story writer . Christie was called - by the Guinness book of world records - the best-selling _____ of all time.

Agatha christie was born in Devon, England, on September 15, 1890. She was a talented child. She loved books and learned to read before she was five. Agatha loved to hear and tell stories in her ______. Agatha didn't go to school, her mother taught her at home, and she encouraged Agatha to write. At the _____ of 18 she wrote her first short story . In 1914, she ______ Archibald Christie , a pilot.

Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair At Style, _____ in 1920. In it she introduced Hercule poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared then in 33 novels and 54 short stories . In 1926 The Murder of ROger Ackroyd was published. It was a huge ____, this book made Agatha Christie Famous . In 1930, she wrote a _____ detective story , THe Murder at the Vicarage, about her other world-famous detective , Miss Marple, who appeared in 12 novels and 20 short stories . Agatha christie's grandmother ______ her to write this character. Christie used her ____ imagination and developed fabulous ____. She brilliantly ____ the characters of Miss Marple and hercule poirot. Readers loved them and always wanted more of these stories . Many novels ( such as And Then There Were None) ____ in and around Devon , her _____.

Agatha christie was _____ by her _____ as a _____ detective story writer . Agatha christie wrote 66 novels, 15 plays, and 157 short stories . SHe also wrote 6 romances and 4 non-fiction books, including Agatha christie , an Autobiography. Agatha christie _____ on 12 January 1976, at the age of 85. Agatha christie's books are translated into 103 Languages, and thay are still popular today.
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