Помогите пожалуйста составить диалог пострадавшего от(наводнения, землетрясения, засухи,вихря(одна катастрофа на ваш выбор)) и журналиста.Недлинное (до 20 предложений ).На английском.
- Hello mister !
- Hello
- Could you tell us in more detail what happened to you?
- Oh, of course
- Let's start!
- When I was in the kitchen in my house, everything suddenly started shaking ...
- And what did you do first? what was it like?
- Тo be honest, I was very scared, I felt scared for my family and home.
- Was that shaking strong?
- Уes, our house was near the epicenter of the earthquake.
- Cannot be! How do you think the government will react to this?
- It seems to me that they should help all the victims who have lost their families and homes!
a: Hello today our guest is injured in the flooding of the man and his family
(а: здравствуйте сегодня у нас в гостях пострадавший при наводнение человек и его семья)
b: hello, yes indeed we were overtaken by a flood when we were at home.The entire first floor was in the water, we were extremely lucky that none of us was injured
(б: здравствуйте, да действительно нас настигло наводнение когда мы были дома, весь первый этаж был в воде, нам крайне повезло что никто из нас не пострадал )
A: How did you manage to get out?
(А: как же вам удалось выбраться? )
b: oh, for that, a big thank you to the rescuers who pulled us out by helicopter through the roof of the house, and provided us with medical assistance
(б: о, за это большое спасибо спасателям которые нас вытащили на вертолёте через крышу дома, и оказали нам медицинскую помощь )
A: I am very glad that you were not injured and I hope that in the future you will not have such adventures
(А: я очень рада что вы не пострадали и надеюсь что в дальнейшем у вас не будет таких приключений )