A formidable and strong animal - a wild boar, is the ancestor of domestic pigs. According to historical records, the first animal domesticated by man was a dog, and the second - a wild boar.
These animals have a powerful body, which is covered with stiff and thick bristles. The color of wild boar fur can be black, reddish-brown, silver-gray or sandy. Males have long upper and lower sharp fangs that protrude from the mouth. A blow with such a "weapon" can cost lives, even to a person and any predator. Wild boar - a large animal, its body reaches a length of 125-175 cm and weight - 150-300 kg. The muzzle is elongated into a long snout ending in a piglet. His ears are long and wide, his legs are strong. The eyes are small.Wild boars are kept in small groups. The animal's home is a small lair covered with moss, branches and grass. The female gives birth to 4 to 8 piglets, which lie close to each other, so they warm up. They have light stripes on their backs. When piglets grow up, they run after their mother, learn to dig the ground and get food for themselves.