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At the Shoe Shop
- That's fine. I'll take them, please.
- Oh, the left shoe is a bit tight. Could I try
a larger size?
- How about these? They're very
-Could I try them on in a … (size), please?
- I'll just see if we have them in a....Yes, here we are. How's that?
- Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
- Of course. Here you are.
-Oh, that's much better. How much are they?
- That's fine. I'll take them, please.
- Yes. I'm looking for some comfortable (colour, model) shoes.
- Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
- Yes. I'm looking for some comfortable black colour, model shoes.
- How about these? They're very comfortable.
- Could I try them on in size 4, please?
- Oh, the left shoe is a bit tight. Could I try a larger size?
- Of course. Here you are.
- Oh, that's much better. How much are they?
- 1200 roubles.
- That's fine. I'll take them, please.
- Доброе утро, мадам. Могу я вам помочь?
- Да. Я ищу удобную обувь черного цвета, модельную обувь.
- Как насчет вот этих туфель? Они очень удобные.
- Могу я примерить их, размер 4, пожалуйста?
- О, левый ботинок немного тесноват. Могу ли я попробовать больший размер?
- Конечно. Вот, пожалуйста.
- О, эти гораздо лучше. Сколько они стоят?
- 1200 рублей.
- Прекрасно. Я возьму их, пожалуй.