диалог на тему This jacket/t-shirt на английском языке
- What do you want to buy?
- My mum said that I should buy a pair of jeans, but I don’t want to .
- Ok, then you can buy a T-shirt with a smart car. Look!
- It’s cool, but... I saw a black jacket there, what about it?
- Looks great.
- Ok, then I’ll buy it. Thanks!
Добрый день! Если Вам понравится мой ответ, была бы рада отметке «лучший ответ». Поможет мне поднять рейтинг и помогать еще больше.
-Hello, Sam! I haven't seen you for ages!
-Hi,Ann! How are you?
-I'am good. And you?
-Me too) Wow, you looks so beautufiul today. I like your jacket.
-Thank you. I didn;t know which colour to buy.
-This red jacket suits you perfectly!
-Thanks, and I like you t-shirt. I like the mix of colours and differnet quotes on it!
-Yes, I designed it by myself. I can teach you and you make your own jacket.
-It will be grate, thanks!