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Almost all the words in В can be both nouns and regular verbs. There are, however, some exceptions. What are these words? Choose from the alternatives offered below.
1 Which verb is irregular? whip, grunt, spurt, spit or wriggle?
2 Which word is only an adjective? gash, grumpy, wheeze, or whirr?
3 Which is both a verb and a noun but the noun has a different meaning? trickle, spray, growl, splutter, spit, splash or crash?
3. Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words from their sounds?
1 The child sploshed through the puddles.
2 If you have a sore throat, try gargling with some salt water.
3 I couldn't concentrate on the play because of the rustle of sweet papers behind me.
4 Speak up. Don't mumble.
5 Those stairs always creak.
6 He whacked the ball into the air.
Almost all the words in В can be both nouns and regular verbs. There are, however, some exceptions. What are these words? Choose from the alternatives offered below.
1 Which verb is irregular? whip, grunt, spurt, spit or wriggle?
2 Which word is only an adjective? gash, grumpy, wheeze, or whirr?
3 Which is both a verb and a noun but the noun has a different meaning? trickle, spray, growl, splutter, spit, splash or crash?
3. Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words from their sounds?
1 The child splashed through the puddles. плескаться
2 If you have a sore throat, try gargling with some salt water. полоскать
3 I couldn't concentrate on the play because of the rustle of sweet papers behind me. шелест
4 Speak up. Don't mumble. бормотать
5 Those stairs always creak. скрипеть
6 He whacked the ball into the air. ударить