Предмет: Английский язык, автор: santiks1975

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Англиский язык



Автор ответа: headmistress


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A


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Автор ответа: nunny

Sydney, Australia

Grammar-in-Context. Complete the paragraph by circling the correct words.

Hi, my name is Noel, and I'd like to tell you a little bit about the city where I live - Sydney. Sydney, as you probably already know, is (1) (B) located in Australia, a country with a population of 23 million people. Sydney (2) (D) isn't the capital city of Australia (that's Canberra), (3) (A) but it's the largest city, and it's perhaps the most well-known Australian city in other countries of the world. (4) (A) There are about 4.6 million people who live in Sydney. I love Sydney (5) (B) because it's a very modern, international city, with people from all over the world. There are also (6) (A) many

interesting places to visit, like the Sydney Opera House and the Royal Botanic Gardens (7) (C) where you can see thousands of large bats called flying foxes". (8) (A) In addition there are many wonderful museums and fantastic art galleries where you can (9) (D) see the works of famous artists. If you want (10) (C) to play or watch sports, you can enjoy the Sydney Cricket Ground or the Sydney Football Stadium. With a great climate (not too hot, and not too cold), and a beautiful view of the Tasman Sea,

it's (11) (B) not surprising that this city continues to attract about 2 to 3 million

international tourists each year. Now you know a little about my city! So tell me, what's your city (12) (C) is like.


(A) locating

(B) located

(C) locates

(D) locate


(A) so

(B) because

(C) with

(D) but


(A) seeing

(B) saw

(C) be see

(D) see


(A) not

(B) don't

(C) no

(D) isn't


(A) many

(B) any

(C) much

(D) this


(A) play

(B) playing

(C) to play

(D) to playing


(A) but

(B) so

(C) because

(D) where


(A) what

(B) who

(C) where

(D) why


(A) no

(B) not

(C) don't

(D) doesn't


(A) There are

(B) There

(C) There is

(D) There have


(A) In addition

(B) Addition

(C) Additions

(D) In additions


(A) like

(B) likes

(C) is like

(D) is likes

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