Предмет: Биология, автор: Gbhgghbn

Дайте розгорнуту відповідь: Які отруйні гриби ви знаєте? Яка перша допомога при отруєнні грибами?


Автор ответа: irenamykytchuk


1. Отруйні гриби.

Галерина оторочкувата

Дощовик несправжній

Ентолома весняна

Ентолома жовтувато-сиза отруйна

Ентолома сіра отруйна

Ентолома смердюча

Іноцибе волокнистий

Іноцибе звичайний

Іноцибе коричневий

Іноцибе Патуйяра

Іноцибе піщаний

Клітоцибе восковий

Клітоцибе знебарвлений

Клітоцибе оранжево-червоний

Клітоцибе червонуватий отруйний

Лепіота коричнево-червонувата

Лепіота отруйна

Міцена чиста

Мухомор білий смердючий

Мухомор зелений

Мухомор пантерний

Мухомор пурпуровий

Мухомор червоний

Опеньок несправжній

Павутинник оранжево-червоний отруйний

Печериця рудіюча отруйна

Печериця темно-луската отруйна

Рядовка тигриста отруйна

Свинуха тонка

Склеродерма золотиста

2. Допомога

Промити шлунок простою водою чи прийміть сорбенти (найменша ефективна доза активованого вугілля - 0,5 г/кг маси тіла). До приїзду невідкладної допомоги дотримуйтесь постільного режиму і пийте багато рідини - води, підсоленої води або прохолодного чаю.

Похожие вопросы
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Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести текст)

"You'd like almost everything about Russian life," he said warmly. "It's so informal, so impulsive, so free without question. And then the peasants are so splendid. They are such human beings–yes, that is it. Even the man who drives your carriage has–has some real part in what is happening. I remember the evening a party of us, two friends of mine and the wife of one of them, went for a picnic by the Black Sea. We took supper and champagne and ate and drank on the grass. And while we were eating the coachman came up. 'Have a dill pickle,' he said. He wanted to share with us. That seemed to me so right, so–you know what I mean?"
And she seemed at that moment to be sitting on the grass beside the mysteriously Black Sea, black as velvet, and rippling against the banks in silent, velvet waves. She saw the carriage drawn up to one side of the road, and the little group on the grass, their faces and hands white in the moonlight. She saw the pale dress of the woman outspread and her folded parasol, lying on the grass like a huge pearl crochet hook. Apart from them, with his supper in a cloth on his knees, sat the coachman. "Have a dill pickle," said he, and although she was not certain what a dill pickle was, she saw the greenish glass jar with a red chili like a parrot's beak glimmering through. She sucked in her cheeks; the dill pickle was terribly sour. . . .
"Yes, I know perfectly what you mean," she said. [Page 235]
In the pause that followed they looked at each other. In the past when they had looked at each other like that they had felt such a boundless understanding between them that their souls had, as it were, put their arms round each other and dropped into the same sea, content to be drowned, like mournful lovers. But now, the surprising thing was that it was he who held back. He who said:
"What a marvellous listener you are. When you look at me with those wild eyes I feel that I could tell you things that I would never breathe to another human being."